Blocklancer Features

Lets talk about the features of the blocklancer.
Guaranteed Payments
Clients are going to pay only if they were satisfied with the work or if the certain milestone accomplished.In the case of a dispute, token holders will decide. This means you’ll never encounter unilateral decisions by a biased authority and unfair money loss – say, when PayPal always sides with buyers and leaves sellers out to dry.
Low Fees
Blocklancer only charges a rate of 3% per job done. As you noticed it is a low fee considering with other freelancing websites. As the project says
Freelancing will finally be a lucrative way of earning money – and reliable as well.
To compare with other freelancing site, charges a 10% fee (in addition to a 3% fee for clients), while Upwork charges a 20% fee (in addition to a 2.75% fee). These platforms also charge fees for money withdrawal (including fees as high as 2.75% on, while Blocklancer withdraws money immediately into your Ethereum wallet.
Fair and Automated Dispute Settlement
Instead of depending on a single authority to settle disputes, Blocklancer has a concept called token holder tribunals (THTs), where the decision lies in the hands of thousands of token holders to guarantee a fair decision.
No Censorship
Other freelancing websites might censor users or job postings for various reasons. That doesn’t happen on Blocklancer, where all job offers are recorded on the incorruptible, immutable blockchain. Political correctness and personal feelings won’t play a role in removing Blocklancer from the blockchain: if a job is posted on the platform, it will remain on the platform.
Lancer Tokens
Blocklancer will issue an ICO in August 2017. During the ICO, they’ll release shares in the company in the form of Lancer tokens. Lancer token holders are entitled to a certain percentage of Blocklancer’s revenue. In fact, 100% of the fees earned from jobs on the Blocklancer platform will be distributed among token holders. Token holders also play a crucial role in keeping Blocklancer running: they participate in token holder tribunals, where they settle disputes between customers and freelancers. For more information visit us:
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