Potentiam A Music Eccosystem

What is Potentiam?

Potentiam is an incentivized ecosystem for musicians, bloggers and music fans like us. A blockchain community for connecting, developing, fostering and promoting relationships between music artists , bloggers and music supporters/ fans using a cryptocurrency reward system.

It gives a solution for all the music artist all over the globe who's not popular yet to share their talents to those people on the community. Potentiam helps build a relationship between the 3 different categories. Some of the advantage of Potentiam are the following:
  • Low fees
    • Gives low fees to receive a boost within a social media community and get maximum exposure and engagement.
  • Crowdfunding
    • Make your music creative project a reality, by leveraging the power of a social media network. As fans support your project you get token rewards.
  • Reward System
    • All members earn monetary rewards for engagement within the community. Get paid while you surf!
  • Choice of Feed
    • Our feed algorithm gives you the choice to see what you want. The power is in your hands to make a choice.
  • Direct InterAction
    • Explore a meaningful connection with your favorite music creatives more than you have ever done before and get rewarded at the same time.
I joined there bounty because i find this project interesting. I know this will be huge in the future. Having a music ecosystem which can help those who are not that popular and has a talent to share , this is one of the solution for them. Making some rewards aside of enjoying your music life is quite overwhelming. The project has sets the plan or roadmap for them to make the project more effective.

What you can do with the token?
It is used to buy goods, services and ad spaces in the Potentiam.
Symbol : PTM
Maximum supply : 100,000,000 PTM
Available for Purchase: 60,000,000 PTM
Price per PTM: 0.41$

It's an interesting project and it catches my attention. I hope you do too. Please do check it out here:
Website :  https://www.potentiam.io/
You can download whitepaper here:

My bitcointalk account is:

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